Real Innovation delivering quantifiable, repeatable
and scalable Industry 4.0 results. 

The Foundation of Industry 4.0™- NWA Focus EMI®

Frost & Sullivan’s

Best Practices Research

“Today’s manufacturing companies have recognized real-time analytics as an integral part of Industry 4.0 and are in need of a platform that can deliver on the promise of establishing their Industry 4.0 setup. NWA Focus EMI successfully addresses this need.”

-- Frost & Sullivan, 2018

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Real-time manufacturing analytics are recognized as a core capability of Industry 4.0. NWA Focus EMI® is a foundational analytics platform that easily scales across an enterprise and enables manufacturers to predict and prevent potential issues to reduce costs, increase yield and improve their competitive position.

Where to get started!

Learn how companies like The Dow Chemical Company got started with their manufacturing analytics journey by downloading Frost & Sullivan's "2018 Best Practices Research - Foundational Manufacturing Analytics for Industry 4.0” 

Begin the process of identifying the technologies, skills, resources and necessary steps to lay the foundation for your Industry 4.0 journey today!  


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